We originally started as an African drum troupe
but have broadened our scope by adding Caribbean members and influences.
(Afro-Caribbean Connection) In addition to making music
we also give lessons and organize various culural events where
we seek to carry out a comprehensive cultural exchange,
making people more receptive to our culture and in the process bringing people closer together.
We are also proud to present our authentic beats and music,
and offer people the chance to participate in a unique cultural experience.
Culture is concrete in that we can observe the cultural objects and practices that define human experience.
Culture is abstract in that it is a way of thinking, feeling, believing and behaving.
Culture links past and present because it is the knowledge that makes us part of human groups.
Culture gives shape to human experience.
PAN AFRICANA~!! Culture in Motion!!
2008年10月1日 星期三
2008年5月29日 星期四
【News.最新消息】2008-06-07 動物台灣募款派對 AnimalsTaiwan fundraising party
AnimalsTaiwan.org fund-raising party at On Tap Living Room on June 7th!!
Cover charge is only NT$350 and you can enjoy African beat (Pan Africana), Latin music, Taiwanese HipHop (Kou Chou Ching), Pop, Indie (Idioteque) and Fresh New Track by DJ Hooker & DJ Stefan!!!! You CANNOT miss this event!!!
門票只要$350~ 就有整晚的好表演可以看!!! 讚唄 !!
你還等什麼呢?! 卡馬北鼻!! 請與我們一起為流浪動物盡一份心力!!!
活動網頁Event Webpage: http://www.facebook.com/event .php?eid=17151506766
活動日期Date: 21:30 ~ 2:00 6月7號
活動地點Venue: 小客廳 On Tap Living Room (former The Living Room)
3F, #8, Nanjing E. Rd, Sec. 5 / 南京東路五段8號3樓
聯絡人Contact: Shizue (Sheila) 09-8939-3446 (Japanese/English) /
門票Cover Charge: NT$350 (including a lottery card) *all the profits will go to AT.
21:30 ~ Introduction about AT/ Short Stories about our animals
22:00 ~ PanAfricana Cultural Troupe/ 泛非文化樂團 ( Afro-beat / Roots Music)
23:00 ~ Salsa Time ( Salsa/ Latin )
23:20 ~ Kou Chou Ching/ 拷秋勤 ( TAIWANESE Hip Hop )
23:40 ~ Idioteque ( Pop/ Indie / music that you can flail along to )
00:30 ~ DJ Hooker & DJ Stefan ( FRESH new track )
Special Thanks to:
◆On Tap Living Room
♪ Idioteque
The acclaimed club night (originally hailing from Leeds, Englandshire) has now settled firmly in Taiwan. It was created by one Harold Dean some time ago and has kept people entertained with its Indie based music stylings and satiated with its Idiotreats!
(http://www.facebook.com/group .php?gid=4886569426)
♪ PanAfricana Cultural Troupe
is back with hot music to warm the soul. Afro Beats (Live African Drums), Reggae, Soca, Hip Hop, MC Rankin Kim and more…. We are hot and we are live! Experience the music, feel the vibes. Guaranteed to Entertain!
Cover charge is only NT$350 and you can enjoy African beat (Pan Africana), Latin music, Taiwanese HipHop (Kou Chou Ching), Pop, Indie (Idioteque) and Fresh New Track by DJ Hooker & DJ Stefan!!!! You CANNOT miss this event!!!
門票只要$350~ 就有整晚的好表演可以看!!! 讚唄 !!
你還等什麼呢?! 卡馬北鼻!! 請與我們一起為流浪動物盡一份心力!!!
主辦單位Host: AnimalsTaiwan.org
活動網頁Event Webpage: http://www.facebook.com/event .php?eid=17151506766
活動日期Date: 21:30 ~ 2:00 6月7號
活動地點Venue: 小客廳 On Tap Living Room (former The Living Room)
3F, #8, Nanjing E. Rd, Sec. 5 / 南京東路五段8號3樓
聯絡人Contact: Shizue (Sheila) 09-8939-3446 (Japanese/English) /
Brandy 09-6687-6829 (Chinese/English)
門票Cover Charge: NT$350 (including a lottery card) *all the profits will go to AT.
21:30 ~ Introduction about AT/ Short Stories about our animals
22:00 ~ PanAfricana Cultural Troupe/ 泛非文化樂團 ( Afro-beat / Roots Music)
23:00 ~ Salsa Time ( Salsa/ Latin )
23:20 ~ Kou Chou Ching/ 拷秋勤 ( TAIWANESE Hip Hop )
23:40 ~ Idioteque ( Pop/ Indie / music that you can flail along to )
00:30 ~ DJ Hooker & DJ Stefan ( FRESH new track )
Special Thanks to:
◆On Tap Living Room
♪ Idioteque
The acclaimed club night (originally hailing from Leeds, Englandshire) has now settled firmly in Taiwan. It was created by one Harold Dean some time ago and has kept people entertained with its Indie based music stylings and satiated with its Idiotreats!
(http://www.facebook.com/group .php?gid=4886569426)
♪ PanAfricana Cultural Troupe
is back with hot music to warm the soul. Afro Beats (Live African Drums), Reggae, Soca, Hip Hop, MC Rankin Kim and more…. We are hot and we are live! Experience the music, feel the vibes. Guaranteed to Entertain!
,保證能夠激發你的感官,帶你進入狂喜的境界,和我們一起感受文化 、歷史、和傳統的衝擊。
(http://www.myspace.com/panafric ana)
(http://panafricanaroot.blogspot .com/)
♪ Kou Chou Ching/ 拷秋勤
finds inspiration from Taiwan's local materials. They turn to Nanguan, Neiguan, Hakka Ba-Yin, Taiwan Opera, Folk Songs, Taiwanese oldies from the 40s and 70s, and relatively new music. Paying respect to American hip hop sampling Funk and Jazz, Kou Chou Ching look to original Taiwanese music that is fostered on the island, as is pioneering and innovative.
拷秋勤的音樂大量使用來自台灣的本土素材,包括南管、北管 、客家八音、歌仔戲、勸世歌、民謠,以及四十至七十年代的台語老歌 ,甚至於近代的創作歌曲等,都是拷秋勤製作音樂的素材來源 。相較於國外Hip Hop大量取樣Funk、Jazz等黑人音樂素材 ,拷秋勤秉持相同的精神,吸收源自台灣這塊土地滋養的台灣本土音樂 ,特別、特殊之外,也別有一番新意。
♪ DJ Hooker & DJ StefanFRESH NEW track!!!
(http://www.myspace.com/dominik _t)
(http://www.myspace.com/panafric ana)
(http://panafricanaroot.blogspot .com/)
♪ Kou Chou Ching/ 拷秋勤
finds inspiration from Taiwan's local materials. They turn to Nanguan, Neiguan, Hakka Ba-Yin, Taiwan Opera, Folk Songs, Taiwanese oldies from the 40s and 70s, and relatively new music. Paying respect to American hip hop sampling Funk and Jazz, Kou Chou Ching look to original Taiwanese music that is fostered on the island, as is pioneering and innovative.
拷秋勤的音樂大量使用來自台灣的本土素材,包括南管、北管 、客家八音、歌仔戲、勸世歌、民謠,以及四十至七十年代的台語老歌 ,甚至於近代的創作歌曲等,都是拷秋勤製作音樂的素材來源 。相較於國外Hip Hop大量取樣Funk、Jazz等黑人音樂素材 ,拷秋勤秉持相同的精神,吸收源自台灣這塊土地滋養的台灣本土音樂 ,特別、特殊之外,也別有一番新意。
♪ DJ Hooker & DJ StefanFRESH NEW track!!!
(http://www.myspace.com/dominik _t)
2008年5月27日 星期二
【About Us.關於泛非】Panafrican @ FaceBook
Dear all..
here is our Group on FaceBook , Join our group ~~ :)
here is our Group on FaceBook , Join our group ~~ :)
2008年5月3日 星期六
【Our Show.演出花絮】泛非表演@Bliss Taipei
This is the band Pan Africana performing at Bliss in Taipei, Taiwan. This song is called soukous. The band does African, Caribbean, funk, and hip hop music. Sorry, the video is a bit dark. But enjoy..........!!
2008年2月27日 星期三
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