泛非文化樂團 PanAfricana 將會在《丹尼的音樂節》中演出喔!!
2011/09/11(日)下午6:30 在ROCK AND REGGAE STAGE區演出,
歡迎喜愛非洲鼓的朋友們~!! 來與我們一起同樂~~~ Wooooo Haaaa!!!
...Panafricana will be in DANIEL PEARL DAY!!!
2011/09/11(Sun) 6:30pm in ROCK AND REGGAE STAGE,
and the entire concert is FREE!
We look forward to seeing you there!
PLACE: Huashan Grassland @ Beiping E. Rd + Linsen N. Rd
《丹尼的音樂節》是一個國際性音樂行動,相關活動曾在100餘國辦過,此包含6000多次的音樂表演,目的為透過音樂的交流而跨過文化與語言的分 野,同時也緬懷因戰火罹難的記者丹尼‧波爾(Daniel Pearl)。丹尼是一名傑出的記者,在2002年擔任〈華爾街日報〉南亞新聞中心主任期間,於巴基斯坦不幸遭恐怖份子殺害。他的音樂界好友於2002年 發起紀念丹尼波爾世界音樂日。丹尼本人生前精通各類古典弦樂,他在世時不論居住在何地都會加入當地大大小小的樂團,廣結各國善緣,生前眾多好友有不少是音 樂家,希望能用音樂來促進丹尼的容忍與永不絕望,減少種族與文化間隔閡。
《丹尼的音樂節》的音樂節在台北已經辦過幾次,2011年的這屆,會包含美國民謠歌手與丹尼‧波爾的好友 Todd Mack,日期定為中秋節中的9月11日(日)地點是華山附近的戶外場所,總共有兩個戶外舞台18組樂團,全部是免票。Todd, 台灣的主辦單位以及各樂隊的樂手要歡迎大家一起來玩一起來享受音樂的快樂!
Daniel Pearl Day is an international movement that has included over 6,000 concerts in more than 100 countries to date. The goal is to use music to overcome political, cultural and religious divisions in an attempt to bring “harmony for humanity”, and also to commemorate the life of Daniel Pearl, the former Wall Street Journal reporter who was killed by terrorists in Pakistan in 2002. Outside of journalism, Danny Pearl played the violin, mandolin and other string instruments, and he’d seek out local musicians at each of his postings. Danny’s musician friends in the US decided to remember his life not by raising money for some cause, but by organizing a string of performances around the world. Last year there were more than 1,000 such performances around the world, from the Middle East to Taipei.
This year in Taipei, Daniel Pearl Day welcomes one of the movement’s founders, folk singer and Danny’s friend, Todd Mack. He’ll team up with the local band Blues Vibration and other
musicians on stage. In all, there will be at least 18 musical groups playing from 1pm to 10pm on two outdoor stages, and the entire concert is FREE! We look forward to seeing you there!
ROCK AND REGGAE STAGE: 下午 1:30 點鐘開始 | 1:30pm start
Mary Bites Kerry 瑪莉咬凱利
The HJ’s
High Tide
Pan Africana 泛非文化樂團 6:30pm開始演出!!!!
Hang in the Air 盪在空中
Taimaica Sound System 台買加音效組織
Kou Chou Ching 拷秋勤
WARM UP JAM | 暖身活動:
@ 9月8日 (四) 21:00+
@ Bobwundaye 北市和平東路三段77號